You have A GIFT you want to give to this world!

You have A MESSAGE IN YOU that you want to tell!

And you have A BOOK IN YOU that can carry your amazing gift and message!

But writing and creating a book can truly be:

    • daunting,
    • overwhelming,
    • and demoralizing!

So, I, Mindy J Kaleta, 🙂 as an author and publisher of various books, I want to help you and make that process easy, comfortable and fun!

I want you to enjoy yourself creating a book you love. 🙂

Believe me writing a book can be super fun! 

With me holding your hand online 🙂 and going up the steps together one by one, you will no longer be:

    • confused,
    • not knowing where to start,
    • stuck,
    • not knowing what is next,
    • and alone!

My “Create a Book You Love” online course, is a step-by-step guide taking you from an idea to building your book with confidence.

You can also join our FB group and interact with me, my team and other soon-to-be-published authors like you. It is a great place to get feedback and mastermind with like-minded people.

I will be there and support you! 🙂

There is also a choice to join the program with 1-on-1 coaching and accountability from me. I recommend that option if you have a deadline or if you want to create that deadline and accountability for yourself!

But you can also follow the course without the deadline and along with the support in the FB group. I will answer your questions and help you.

And before I close this invitation message, here are five questions to ask yourself today:

    • What gift do I want to give to this world?
    • How long am I dreaming about this gift?
    • When am I going to create and make it tangible?
    • Why not start now and get it done sooner than later?
    • Is Mindy the person who can understand what I am going through and help me?

Hope your answer to the last one is YES, my friend. 🙂
Because I am here for you and I am SOOOO looking forward to your book!
With love, ease, and fun!

Module 1 – The Art of Building Your Book

A 38-minute content-rich video that will clarify all the mysterious parts of creating your book:

  • An overview of the whole book process
  • The importance of  mindset, and being clear about your book, your goal
  • Storybook mapping and Basic Layout of your book
  • Additional pages: Title, Copyright, Dedication, How to Use, About Author, Back Cover
  • Fonts, Colors, Brand, Images
  • ISBN numbers, Bar Codes

Seeing the big picture, understanding the whole process and deciding on things like title, dedication page etc. will help you start the process with many small wins! The nitty-gritty is taken care of, you will able to focus easier on the inside of your book in the next module.

Module 2 – Writing, Creating & Compiling Your Book

This is a 24-minute manuscript-focused video that will help you write, create and compile your book. Even if you have written some of your book or starting from scratch, this module will help you start writing and complete your manuscript!

  • Interior Book Manuscript
  • Outlining Your Book Content
  • Table of Contents/Chapters
  • Gathering quotes, images, etc.
  • Compiling Content into your book template
  • The importance of proofreading and editing

This can be the hardest part of all and many authors are stuck in this area.
With Mindy’s tips and encouragement, you will be just fine and you will be able to write, create, compile your book easily! You’ve got this!

Module 3 – Building Cover Files

A 36-minute example-packed video that will help you decide and design your book’s front and back cover!

  • Overall mode, tone, and theme
  • Front Cover, Back Cover, and Spine
  • Visual cues to your book’s genre
  • Who is your Audience or Reader?
  • Is it going to be a Series?
  • Fonts, Colors, Brand

 This will be so much fun!  This will be THE cover of your book! Get creative and have fun! Let your personality shine through the cover so your readers will love it and they will say ‘I want this book!’

Module 4 – Preparing for Format, Design & Publishing through CreateSpace

A 39-minute video packed with step-by-step instructions that will guide you to becoming a published author on Amazon!

  • What happens in the Format, Design & Proofreading Process?
  • Revisions, Policies, and Agreements
  • CreateSpace Account Set Up and Walk Through
  • What to do, what to expect during formatting, design, and publishing

Congratulations! You made it! You are about to be a published author! I am looking forward to seeing you and your book in Amazon. YAY!

‘Create A Book You Love!’  Online Course with FB Group

Mindy will guide you through four modules and the FB group will be your life line to Mindy!

  • You can ask questions.
  • You can ask for help.
  • You can get feedback.
  • You will also meet with other soon-to-be published authors and support each other.
  • Mindy and her team will be there to support and help you.
  • 4 Modules with Mindy to help you create a book you love.

Click the button below and purchase this easy-to-follow online course that will let you get published sooner than you think!


Study Online

Videos are for online watching and learning.
(c) Mindy J Kaleta  All rights reserved.

‘Create A Book You Love!’ Online Course with FB Group
plus 1-on-1 Coaching and Accountability from Mindy

This is for you if…

  • You want to do this with a deadline.
  • You want Mindy to personally coach you and be your accountability buddy.
  • Mindy will hold your hand and you will have a direct access to her through email plus five 30-minute phone calls through the modules to guide you so that you can easily move forward every step of the way.
  • Mindy will support you and if necessary push you to make sure the steps are done in certain time frames.
  • You will also have access to the FB group for peer support.

Click the button below and purchase this easy-to-follow online course together with Mindy’s personal coaching, accountability, and support. Together we will make it ON TIME!


Study Online

Videos are for online watching and learning.
(c) Mindy J Kaleta  All rights reserved.